
This contract implements the core functionality of the permanent registrar, with the following features:

  • The owner of the registrar may add and remove 'controllers'.

  • Controllers may register new domains and can not change the ownership of existing domains.

  • Name owners may transfer ownership to another address.

  • Name owners may reclaim ownership in the Defichain Domain registry if they have lost it.

This section documents the parts of the registrar interface relevant to implementers of tools that interact with it. Functionality exclusive to the registrar owner or to controllers is omitted for brevity.

The registrar works exclusively with label hashes - the keccak256 of the first component of the label (eg, keccak256('stefano') for stefano.dfi). For compatibility with ERC721, these are expressed as uint256 values rather than bytes32, but can be cast backwards and forwards transparently. The namehash of a name can be derived by computing keccak256(baseNode, labelHash), where basenode is the namehash of the TLD the registrar manages - eg, namehash('eth').

Registrations and renewals are handled via the controller.

Names and Registrations

All names inside Defichain Domain have an owner. The owner of a name can transfer the name to a new owner, set a resolver, and create and reassign subdomains. This functionality is all contained in the Defichain Domain registry.

Allocation of names directly under .dfi (eg, second-level domains ending with .dfi, such as stefano.dfi) is governed by the .dfi Permanent Registrar, described here. While buying a name from the registrar grants ownership of it in Defichain Domain, the registrar itself keeps independent track of who owns the registration. The concept of a registrant - the owner of a registration - is unique to the .dfi permanent registrar.

The registrant of a name can transfer the registration to another account, and they can recover ownership of the name by calling reclaim, which resets ownership of the Defichain Domain name to the registrant's account.

Separating the concept of owning a name from owning a registration makes it possible to more easily build systems that make automated updates to Defichain Domain. The registrant can transfer ownership of the name to another account or to a smart contract that manages records, subdomains, etc, while still retaining the ability to recover ownership for upgrades, or in the case of a compromise.

When thinking about ownership, it's important to be clear whether you're considering ownership of the name or the registration.

Read Operations

Check Name Availability

function available(uint256 label) public view returns(bool);

Returns true if a name is available for registration. Takes into account not-yet-migrated registrations from the legacy registrar. Registrar controllers may impose more restrictions on registrations than this contract (for example, a minimum name length), so this function should not be used to check if a name can be registered by a user. To check if a name can be registered by a user, check name availability via the controller.

Get Controller Status

mapping(address=>bool) public controllers;

controllers allows callers to check if the supplied address is authorized as a registrar controller.

Check Token Approval

function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (address operator);

Returns the address of the approved operator for this name.

This function is part of ERC721.

Check All Tokens Approval

function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) public view returns (bool);

Returns true if operator is authorized to transfer all tokens for owner.

This function is part of ERC721.

Get Name Owner

function ownerOf(uint256 label) external view returns(address);

ownerOf returns the address that owns the registration identified by the label hash, or reverts if the registration does not exist. Registrations that have not yet been migrated from the legacy registrar are treated the same as registrations that do not exist.

This function is part of ERC721.

Write Operations

Transfer a Name

function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) public;
function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) public;
function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes memory data) public;

These functions transfer the registration.

They behave as specified in ERC721.

Emits the following event on a successful transfer:

event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);

Approve Operator

function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) public;
function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool _approved) public;

These functions manage approvals as documented in ERC721.

Reclaim Defichain Domain Record

function reclaim(uint256 label) external;

Sets the owner record of the name in the Defichain Domain registry to match the owner of the registration in this registry. May only be called by the owner of the registration.


Name Migrated

event NameMigrated(uint256 indexed hash, address indexed owner);

This event is emitted when a name is migrated from the legacy registrar.

Name Registered

event NameRegistered(uint256 indexed hash, address indexed owner);

This event is emitted when a controller registers a new name.


event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);

This event is emitted when registration is transferred to a new owner. This is distinct from the Defichain Domain Registry's Transfer event, which records transfers of ownership of the Defichain Domain record.

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